C.H. Lyn

Stories Past the Horizon

Books in Print

About the Author

I was born and raised in a small town in Northern California. Growing up in a college town meant I experienced a wide variety of people and opinions. I like to think my stories reflect the vast differences in the people I've met.  I love to travel. I want to explore the world around me while writing about the worlds in my mind. 

I grew up with a steady diet of wonderful stories set in amazing worlds. I've read almost every series Tamora Pierce has written, and I am a big fan of the Hunger Games series. My nerdiness also encompasses the Harry Potter series, LOTR, and (to an extent) the worlds of superheroes. Though my husband is really head of DC knowledge in the household. He is also the most amazing source of support I could hope for.

My books have a sunrise on the spine, and I’ve had a few people ask so I’ll answer the question here. My dad used to own his own company called Horizon Video Productions. When I decided to self-publish, and bought 100 ISBNs as part of the process, I figured it would be nice to have an umbrella name for all my books. Horizon Publishing was born.

I hope to someday have other authors writing for Horizon Publishing, but until then keep an eye out for more in the Abredea series, Miss Belle’s Travel Guides, The Old Tales, Spooky Cat Stories, and more!

My newest project, War of the Unborn, is a shared adventure with fellow author Tracey Barski. Find more of her works at Traceybarski.com